In Defence of Models. And Modellers

This article originally appeared in The Telegraph We would all like to be able to predict the future, but in order to understand the future, you have to understand the past.  So is the quandary facing modellers, data analysts, and policy makers.  At the heart of the decisions facing politicians are an epidemic that is …

Data Sources for COVID-19 Analysis in England

Since the early Number 10 Downing Street press conferences, the data available to analyze the progression of the COVID-19 epidemic in the UK has become somewhat fragmented. This is an overview of the major sources of data. This shows data for testing, cases, healthcare, and deaths, updated daily. More detail is shown on each …

Searchable SAGE (Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) Minutes on COVID-19

The early minutes of SAGE (the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies) were searchable: However, later minutes are not. So, if you are searching for, say “asymptomatic transmission”, you won’t find anything. Which is odd, beacuase the SAGE meeting where this was first mooted, on 28 January, is searchable (the documents listed do not link to …

Top Local Authorities for COVID-19 Positive Tests

Public Health England have tonight (2 July 2020) released data for the total number of people who have positive COVID-19 results at a local authority level. The data is at Critically, these include both Pillar 1 (NHS and PHE labs) and Pillar 2 (NHS Test & Trace commercial labs) data. Here are the cumulative …

Spatial Transmission Models PowerPoint Slides presented at EURO2019 (30th European Conference on Opeartional Research), Dublin

These are the slides for my presentation at the 30th European Conference on Operational Research based on my Risk Analysis paper. The paper is available to download here.