Social Distancing using Play-Doh and Matches

There has been much talk about using social distancing as a response to the Coronavirus outbreak. Here’s a video of how social distancing can be used: Close Contact, where the population is infected very rapidly. This is not A Good Thing – the national health service is overwhelmed, and the death rate goes up as …

Mapping Brexit II

An updated map of Monday’s Indicative Votes but including last week’s votes for the Withdrawal Agreement. Note more analysis here: This network map shows each MP that voted for each of 5 propositions: Parliamentary Sovereignty, Confirmatory Public Vote, Customs Union, Common Market 2.0, or the Withdrawal Agreement. The large dots show the number of …

Mapping Brexit

Wednesday’s indicative votes in the House of Commons produced no definitive answer of the way forward.  By using social network analysis showing the size of each voting bloc and ‘Hamming distances’ (ironically usually used for error correction), we can map how close MPs are to each other, giving an indication of how a coalition could …

Data used for Brexit Map

00000001 Alan Duncan Angus Brendan MacNeil Mike Freer Pete Wishart 00000010 Amanda Milling Andrew Griffiths Andrew Murrison Anne Marie Morris Bob Seely Chris Heaton-Harris Craig Tracey Craig Whittaker Daniel Kawczynski David Davis Greg Knight Ian Liddell-Grainger Jack Lopresti Jackie Doyle-Price Jake Berry James Morris John Baron John Redwood Johnny Mercer Kelly Tolhurst Kwasi Kwarteng Maggie …

Spatial Transmission Models: A Taxonomy and Framework

This paper , published in the journal Risk Analysis, sets out a review of the different methods used for modelling the spread of an idea, disease, etc. over space. ABSTRACT Within risk analysis and more broadly, the decision behind the choice of which modelling technique to use to study the spread of disease, epidemics, fires, technology, rumors, or …

PhD Studentship in Modelling Dynamic Responses to Dynamic Threats at Loughborough University [applications now closed]

I am co-supervising the following PhD project – the application link and further details can be found here: .  The closing date is 14 December 2017.  Please get in touch if you would like to discuss this opportunity. One of the most challenging issues for policy makers dealing with bio-security threats is their dynamic …

The Most Competitive Airline Routes in the World

I am using airline data to construct a network of competition in the airline industry.  As part of this, I am listing the routes that are the most competitive – not necessarily the ones that have the most flights, but the ones that have the most competitors. And here they are HKG-ICN  Hong Kong – …

Two Funded PhD Studentships in Agent-Based Modelling at Loughborough University School of Business and Economics [applications now closed]

I am looking for high quality, numerate, candidates to fill these exciting PhD studentships with me as a (co-) supervisor at Loughborough’s School of Business and Economics.  Please note that this post has been updated with new links (in blue, below). The first is modelling dynamic responses to dynamic threats; the second is using analytics …

Building the Multiplex: An Agent-Based Model of Formal and Informal Network Relations

This presentation from the EURO 2016 conference in Poznan, Poland, and from the GDN conference in Bellingham, WA, USA, joint work with Leroy White of Warwick Business School, shows how combining formal and informal organizational networks enables decisions to flow more freely around organizations, but at a cost, leading to an optimal size of informal …