A review of where we are with UK Covid restrictions. With apologies to Nandos.

It wasn’t meant to be like this. Remember the Alert Levels (the ‘Nandos chart’)? The whole idea of that was to set some sort of policy – a roadmap if you will – of how we get out of a national lockdown. Introducing… Covid Alert Levels. 12 May 2020. And remember this? The gentle ski …

Media Roundup week ending 12 October 2020

Letter in the Financial Times The failure of the government’s testing strategy (Report, September 22) is a lesson in confusing resources with capabilities. Commercial NHS test and trace has resources but not capabilities. NHS labs and local authority directors of public health supported by Public Health England have capabilities but not resources. In order to …

Heatmap of Cases & Deaths in the over-80s

Here is the heatmap of cases for PHE week 41 using week 40 data. Studies in Spain, France, and the US have all shown that although the second wave may start in young people, it will inevitably move to older people. The remarkable thing about this disease is that the death rate increases massively with …

We May Be Systematically Underestimating R by Excluding Students in Halls of Residence

We know that data on the Government Coronavirus dashboard is unreliable (see this Twitter thread). We also know that we are not doing enough testing as the positivity rate is so high (7% overall for Pillar 2 tests and up to 15% in some areas such as Liverpool) (see this thread) So, how do we …

We Are Still Not Doing Enough Testing: A Case Study of New York and Liverpool Schools

The Wall Street Journal is reporting that “New York City on Wednesday will close public schools and nonessential businesses in parts of Brooklyn and Queens that have registered a week-long spike in coronavirus cases” Let’s look at New York and then compare to a UK city, Liverpool. Cases are high in some New York boroughs. …