In my paper, The Complexity of the Corporation, I introduce complexity science applied to management, discussing complex adaptive systems, emergence, co-evolution, and power laws. “We discuss the notion of complexity as applied to firms and corporations. We introduce the background to complex adaptive systems, and discuss whether this presents an appropriate model or metaphor to be used within …
Category archives: Publications
When does Brokerage Matter? Citation Impact of Research Teams in an Emerging Academic Field
This paper with François Collet of ESADE and Daniela Lup of the LSE analyzes the emergence of the strategic management filed showing the benefits of network brokerage are stronger during the early phase of development and diminish over time. Through exposure to heterogeneous sources of knowledge, actors who broker between unconnected contacts are more likely to generate valuable …
Topological Isomorphisms of Human Brain and Financial Market Networks
This paper, published with colleagues from Warwick University and Cambridge University: Petra Vertes, Ruth Nicol, Sandra Chapman, Nicholas Watkins, and Edward Bullmore was the result of inter-disciplinary work funded by the EPSRC – the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (Grant number EP/H02395X/1). We investigated the similarities in the network structure financial markets and brain networks. Although metaphorical …
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Agent-Based Modeling Toolkits: NetLogo, RePast, and Swarm
Agent-Based Modeling Toolkits: NetLogo, RePast, and Swarm (2005, Academy of Management Learning and Education 4(4), 525–527) sets out a comparison of three widely used agent-based modeling toolkits: RePast, NetLogo, and Swarm. It shows the differences between the toolkits, setting out the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each software toolkit.
Agent-Based Models to Manage the Complex
Agent-Based Models to Manage the Complex is a book chapter in Managing Organizational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory and Application: Volume 1 (ISCE Book Series – Managing the Complex) is an introduction to the use of agent-based models in management. It demonstrates the use of models in Repast, an agent-based modeling toolkit, and links this to complexity science concepts …
Agent-Based Modeling and Behavioral Operational Research
Behavioral Operational Research: Theory, Methodology and Practice (Martin Kunc, Jonathan Malpass, Leroy Wright, Eds.) was published by Palgrave Macmillan in September 2016. My chapter on Agent-Based Modeling and Behavioral Operational Research shows the great potential of using agent-based simulation within BOR, showing how example models can be applied to the field. More details of the chapter can be found on the …
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The Dynamics of Strategy
The Dynamics of Strategy is a book published by Oxford University Press (Robertson and Caldart 2010) and combines natural science models with strategic management. Chapters on networks, agent-based modelling, and dynamic economic models are used to show how strategy can be treated analytically.