Following the Science and Handling the Scientists

Originally published on Substack on 21 November 2023 As the Covid Inquiry continues, we have heard evidence from the former Chief Scientific Adviser. He was questioned on his Almost-But-Not-Quite contemporaneous diary entries that are displayed as excerpts. But this raises questions about the role of science and scientists. Following the Science? The government was very …

Organizational Misbehaviour and the Control of Information

This week at the Covid Public Inquiry included descriptions of misbehaviour in Number 10 and the flow of information to the Prime Minister. Originally published on Substack on 3 November 2023 This week’s evidence session at the Covid Public Inquiry continued its investigation into the UK decision-making and political governance, hearing from witnesses including civil servants in Number …

Media Roundup week ending 12 October 2020

Letter in the Financial Times The failure of the government’s testing strategy (Report, September 22) is a lesson in confusing resources with capabilities. Commercial NHS test and trace has resources but not capabilities. NHS labs and local authority directors of public health supported by Public Health England have capabilities but not resources. In order to …

Media Roundup Week ended 4 October 2020

Sky News BBC Radio Five Live Quoted on Sky News , Daily Express, Yahoo! News, Guardian BBC Local Radio, Independent Radio (Bauer Media syndicates) Background to Financial Times, Reuters, LBC, Guardian

Latest Cases Heatmap Analysis: 22 cases per 100,000 over-80-year-olds

Today’s analysis shows 22 cases per 100,000 in the over-80s population in England. To put this into context, the Government uses a rate of 20 cases per 100,000 in order to determine (with other factors) whether you should self isolate when you return from a country with this incidence of Covid-19. An interpretation would be: …

Coronavirus Media Roundup week ended 27 September 2020

Sky News including my cases heatmap analysis at 2:30 Channel 5 News Quoted in the British Medical Journal(BMJ 2020; 370 :m3678 doi: ) Quoted in The Observer / The Guardian … BBC Local Radio And interviews on BBC Look North & BBC East Midlands Today; Background to BBC News, Reuters

Coronavirus Media Roundup week ended 20 September 2020

ITV Good Morning Britain Interviewed on BBC Five Live Sky News Analysis shown on ITV Peston Daily Mail (Mail Online) and Yahoo! News UK BBC Local Radio (BBC Radio Leicester, BBC Radio Oxford, BBC Radio Berkshire) and background interviews for BBC, Bloomberg, Reuters.

Show Your Working: Model Quality Assurance in Government & Letter in Financial Times

School pupils have had a tough year. For those with examinations, such as A-levels, it has been even tougher. The Department for Education decreed that A-levels and GCSEs should not take place due to the COVID crisis. This meant that an alternative way of allocating grades to students needed to be found. To set the …

Commentary on COVID-19 cases in Leicester Leicester went into lockdown in early July, with the Statutory Instrument setting out these restrictions published on 3 July (The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (Leicester) Regulations 2020) just before the loosening of restrictions elsewhere in the country. Public Health England has published an analysis of what is known about the Leiecester outbreak. Diagrams are …

Beware of the Survivorship Bias of Politicians: COVID-19 Letter Published in The Financial Times

The news that UK business secretary Alok Sharma has been tested for Covid-19 highlighted the issue of survivorship bias, that is the systematic overestimation of performance and underestimation of risk by ignoring non-survivors. In the early stages of the epidemic, the risk perception of politicians broadly matched that of the general population. However, if the …