I am organizing a session at IFORS on Simulating (Human) Behavior as part of a Behavioural Operational Research stream. It would be good if other agent-based models could be presented. To submit a paper, please do so here: http://ifors2017.ca/submit-abstract and use invitation code dfa90f58
Category archives: Agent-Based Modeling
The Strategy Hypercube: Exploring Strategy Space Using Agent-Based Models
The Strategy Hypercube: Exploring Strategy Space Using Agent-Based Models, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2927:182-192 Link here: http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-540-24613-8_13
Review of ‘Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation’, OR Essentials
Book review to be published in The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS) Taylor, Simon J. E. (Ed.) (2014) Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation, OR Society and Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke Agent-Based Modeling and Simulation is the first in the Operational Research Society’s OR Essentials series. OR Essentials brings together multidisicpinary research from the management, …
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Agent-Based Models of A Banking Network
Agent-Based Models of a Banking Network as an Example of a Turbulent Environment: The Deliberate vs Emergent Strategy Debate Revisited is a paper that I wrote that uses an agent-based model to simulate the strategic positioning decisions of firms within a competitive environment. It links firm strategy (particularly banking strategy) to the competitive environment: where should …
Building the Multiplex: An Agent-Based Model of Formal and Informal Network Relations
This presentation from the EURO 2016 conference in Poznan, Poland, and from the GDN conference in Bellingham, WA, USA, joint work with Leroy White of Warwick Business School, shows how combining formal and informal organizational networks enables decisions to flow more freely around organizations, but at a cost, leading to an optimal size of informal …
Agent-Based Modeling Toolkits: NetLogo, RePast, and Swarm
Agent-Based Modeling Toolkits: NetLogo, RePast, and Swarm (2005, Academy of Management Learning and Education 4(4), 525–527) sets out a comparison of three widely used agent-based modeling toolkits: RePast, NetLogo, and Swarm. It shows the differences between the toolkits, setting out the advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of each software toolkit.
Agent-Based Models to Manage the Complex
Agent-Based Models to Manage the Complex is a book chapter in Managing Organizational Complexity: Philosophy, Theory and Application: Volume 1 (ISCE Book Series – Managing the Complex) is an introduction to the use of agent-based models in management. It demonstrates the use of models in Repast, an agent-based modeling toolkit, and links this to complexity science concepts …
Agent-Based Modeling and Behavioral Operational Research
Behavioral Operational Research: Theory, Methodology and Practice (Martin Kunc, Jonathan Malpass, Leroy Wright, Eds.) was published by Palgrave Macmillan in September 2016. My chapter on Agent-Based Modeling and Behavioral Operational Research shows the great potential of using agent-based simulation within BOR, showing how example models can be applied to the field. More details of the chapter can be found on the …
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The Dynamics of Strategy
The Dynamics of Strategy is a book published by Oxford University Press (Robertson and Caldart 2010) and combines natural science models with strategic management. Chapters on networks, agent-based modelling, and dynamic economic models are used to show how strategy can be treated analytically.