Since the early Number 10 Downing Street press conferences, the data available to analyze the progression of the COVID-19 epidemic in the UK has become somewhat fragmented. This is an overview of the major sources of data.
This shows data for testing, cases, healthcare, and deaths, updated daily.

More detail is shown on each data set, for example cases:

which is broken down by Nation, Region, Upper Tier Local Authority (‘UTLAs’ / counties) and Lower Tier Local Authorities (‘LTLAs’ / districts). Note that some councils, such as Leicester, are Unitary Authorities, and are both UTLAs and LTLAs and their data is disclosed in both UTLA and LTLA data sets. Currently, this only shows the latest data, and cases per 100,000 people (making it easier to compare different sized locations).

This data is shown as a map at Middle Layer Super Output Area (‘MSOA’) level (although the colour bar makes interpretation a little difficult) and shows cases per week. The mean population of a MSOA is around 7,200 people, so the key is not very useful.

Data for UTLAs and LTLAs used to be reported by specimen date, but it is not clear where these data are now available.
Public Health England Surveillance Reports
Public Health England (‘PHE’) produce a COVID-19 surveillance report each week. This now shows a list of watchlist local authorities.

These data are shown on a

together with a chart of the number of English cases per week

and the history of the highest rated UTLAs

There is also a report of the number of ‘incidents’ (what are colloquially described as outbreaks) and where they originate from.